Sunday , June 2 2024

Joint force in Darfur : We won’t withdraw from


The joint force affiliated to the armed struggle movements said they will remain stationed at its locations and check-points in Alfashir with no withdrawal. The force demanded the army and the rapid support to avoid targeting civilians .
It confirmed that the troops remain defending markets ,organizations and residential areas.
Chairman for the media committee ,Ahmed Hussein spelled out in a press release that the force was reinforced by troops by the weekend ,refuting allegations .
He reiterated balanced stance towards the war and the force is entrusted to protection of markets civilians and property . More,it protects the organizations to help them render humanitarian aid to the war- affected residents .
In the meantime, he dismissed call for war and allegations that ignite horror and rumors,causing horror amid civilians .
Keenness on civilians security and safety was stressed by the force.
It disclosed intensive endeavors ,contacting both parties to end war in Afashir city and other regions in Sudan .

Ashorooq net

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